Fresno Goods Vendor's Guide

Seller Login/Sign up:

The vendor needs to sign up on the store or log in to access the account.

Seller Guide



Seller dashboard

 Seller Guide Dashboard


The Seller can manage the invoice and all the other configuration 

 Seller Guide Invoice



 Under this menu- products >> product listing, all the product-related information will be there and the product can be edited, viewed and deleted from here :

 Seller Products



This is the “add product” form :

Add Products


Smart Collections:

A list of all the automated/smart collections made at Shopify end.

Smart Collection • Multivendor MarketPlace



Seller can view and manage all the order from the “orders” menu. The order listing page will list all the orders placed for the seller and the seller can fulfill the order by viewing the order.

track order


Payment Received:

A list of all the payments received by the seller with payment status

Payment Receive Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace



Commission Listing:

A list of all the admin commissions on his orders:

Commissions Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace


Sellers can manage their accounts from the “my account” 

seller my account


Under the “Payment Details”, Seller can add the details of the payment mode by which for receiving earning.

payment detail


The feedback submenu will show all the feedback from the customer

Feedback Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace